
You can explore the submissions to Together/Apart by map, by linked data, browse by item or collection, search the exhibition, and browse by tag.

Explore by map

The exhibition's home page and map page contain items tagged to specific locations. Locations indicating submissions  created at individuals' homes are placed within the context of the submitter's city or neighborhood and are not more accurate for privacy reasons. Images tagged to public locations and businesses are as accurate as possible. Submissions without any specific location were given a generic "San Diego County (Calif.)" location in order to populate the map with a pin.

To explore the exhibition by map, use your mouse or keyboard to zoom in to specific regions, drag the map to a location you'd like to see, and/or click on the pin marks to pull up the item's title, thumbnail, and description. If you'd like more information on the item or would like to look at it in more detail, click on the title of the item to be taken to its individual page.

Explore by linked data

Individual submissions' (Items) pages contain data about the submission such as title of the work, creator, subject of the work, and location. Some of this data is hyperlinked to other items that have the same data. If you'd like to see other submissions with similar information, you can click on a hyperlink to bring up other related items. You can pull up linked data in the following fields within a submission's individual page:

  • Creator
  • Date
  • Subject
  • Type
  • Coverage (location)

Explore by item or collection

You can browse by item or by collection. Browsing by item will pull up every item in the exhibition. You can further narrow how to browse items and sort them by Title, Creator, and Date Added. Browsing by collection allows you to look through items by the following categories:

Search the Exhibition

Use the search icon on the main navigation bar to pull up the search bar. An advanced search option is also available (items only).

Browse by tag

Some exhibition items have tags associated with them. Currently, the following tags are available: